
奖学金 & 金融援助

St. 约瑟夫预科学校很荣幸地宣布提供全额学费奖学金.

阿雷特 奖学金,由米歇尔和克里斯·甘杰米65年资助,是预科的新

学术 & 音乐奖学金/奖项

以下是学术/优秀奖学金 & 奖项是根据成绩颁发给一组选定的八年级申请者. 目前,转学候选人无法获得优秀奖学金. 转学候选人可以通过预科的经济援助计划申请援助.
哥伦布R. 米歇尔·C. GANGEMI 阿雷特 奖学金
  • 为1名学生提供为期四年的全额学费经济援助奖学金
  • Families are required to submit a 金融援助 application (TADS应用程序) for consideration
  • 点击 在这里 要了解更多关于 阿雷特 奖学金
ST. 约瑟夫奖学金
  • 为1名学生提供四年全额学费优秀奖学金
  • 学生的平均成绩必须保持在3分以上.5
  • 注意:圣. 约瑟夫学者是从依纳爵奖学金获得者中挑选出来的
  • 每年为大约10名学生提供15,000美元的奖励
  • 学生的平均成绩必须保持在3分以上.3
  • 每年为大约20名学生提供10,000美元的奖励
  • 学生的平均成绩必须保持在3分以上.0
资格要求. 约瑟夫/Ignatian/Xaverian consideration: Outstanding performance on the entrance exam (typically in the 98-99th percentiles), 优秀的学术背景, 领导和服务的历史, 热情的老师推荐, 还有一篇特别的入学考试论文.  学生们在争夺圣. 约瑟夫/Ignatian/Xaverian scholarships will be invited to a scholarship interview in early December.

总统 & 校长奖
  • 每年提供6,500美元的奖励
  • 每年获得奖学金的学生人数根据申请人数而有所不同
Eligibility Requirements for President/Principal Award consideration: Superior performance on entrance exam (typically in the 94-97th percentiles), 优秀的小学成绩单, 还有一篇出色的入学考试论文.

  • 每年为大约3名学生提供6,000美元的奖励
  • Student must maintain good standing with at least one music program ensemble at the Prep. 提交的视频应通过电子邮件发送至admissions@sjprep.11月1日(星期五)之前.  更多关于如何为音乐奖学金试镜的信息即将发布.
Eligibility requirements for Music 奖学金 consideration: an exceptional personal audition, 在小学和入学考试中成绩优异. 

  • 提供了3美元,每年向急救人员的儿子发放1万美元, 军事, 学习教育工作者, 以及HBCU毕业生和雇员
  • 有关亲和奖计划的更多信息,请点击 在这里
  • 合资格的家庭须填写 这种形式 在12月1日星期日之前.
一些奖学金(如豪利奖学金项目), 马奎尔学者计划, and the Quattrone Scholars Program) are tied to the 金融援助 process and can provide anyw在这里 from $3,000到全额学费每年.  在适用情况下, 学术/Merit 奖学金 and Awards can be combined with additional 金融援助 awards. 所有学术奖学金的最终决定 & 奖学金获得者由招生委员会决定.


预科学校致力于为有才华的学生提供教育, 不管他们的经济状况如何. 支持这一机构使命的实现, we have a comprehensive financial aid program in an effort to enroll students of strong academic potential and good character, 拥有多样化的才能, 不同的兴趣和背景.

由于财政援助预算的限制, funding is not guaranteed and each family is expected to use all available resources in paying for the education of their child. 这包括父母双方的资源,即使离婚或分居, 一步的父母, 祖父母或其他亲属, 教会基金, 校外奖学金或助学金, 或者任何学生的收入. Financial aid awards - in the form of a 工作给予 or Brother’s Reduction - help bridge the gap between what a family can afford and the full cost of a St. 约瑟夫预科教育. 在某些情况下,经济援助奖可以与优秀奖学金相结合.


  • 工作给予

    经济资助(i).e. financial assistance provided that is not a merit scholarship) will be awarded to the student in the form of a “WORK GRANT.“他将被要求在他方便的时候以文书的身份工作. 将有一个标记期的工作要求. He may choose the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th marking period and the time of day, before or after school. A marking period is eight weeks in length; work lasts l/2 hour per day, five days per week.
  • 兄弟的减少

    第二个和第三个兄弟姐妹可以同时就读.  的 financial aid process via TADS 必须完成 to be considered for a 兄弟的减少. 财政援助委员会将颁发3美元范围内的兄弟助学金,000 to $6,根据收入水平.


申请进入圣. 约瑟夫 ‘s Prep will ask whether or not financial assistance is requested, however, a separate TADS应用程序 必须完成.


To be considered for financial aid, you must complete an online 金融援助 application using the 学费援助数据服务(TADS). TADS will conduct financial need assessments for families that need assistance in paying tuition. 申请人将根据具体情况进行审查. Financial aid is awarded on the basis of a family's demonstrated financial need via the TADS应用程序. This process involves information of an in在这里ntly personal nature and SJP ad在这里s to the highest standards of confidentiality.

All TADS应用程序s are reviewed and summaries are presented to the 金融援助 Committee. 的 Committee makes recommendations for awards but the ultimate decision is made by the 财政援助署署长. 新生经济援助奖励函不迟于1月的第二周寄出. 回国的家庭将在春季收到奖状. 如果助学金不足以重新入学, 学费押金将被退还. 所有关于经济援助的最终决定都由预科学校做出. TADS不接收/获取此信息.


财政援助委员会审查申请人,以便作出奖励决定. It is recommended to download the application worksheet so that you may gather all necessary information prior to applying.

请记住: You must include photocopies of all supporting documentation requested by the application. 请不要寄原件.

证明文件必须立即寄出, 因此处理不会延迟:最近的W2语句, 最近的工资单, 最近的联邦税表, 最近的企业纳税申报表(如适用), 任何1099年代, 以及所有其他收入来源(社会保障)的证明文件, 福利, 食品救济券, 失业, 孩子的抚养费, 工人的补偿, 等.[*最近的可能是2023年的财务报告].


点击这里 参阅本表格的特别说明.





  • 返港家庭特别注意事项

    的 Prep recognizes that families’ financial circumstances often change year to year and in order to track those changing needs each family receiving aid is required to submit financial paperwork each year (this includes all Brothers’ Reductions). If you do not resubmit your financial paperwork and apply through TADS you will not receive any financial assistance for the 2025-26 school year. 没有接受援助但有经济需要的家庭也应该申请. New allocations of financial aid may be awarded on a year-to-year basis for current students.
  • 父母离异或分居

    在处理离婚或分居的父母时, the goal of the financial aid office is to gather as much information as possible from both parties, 以及其中一方或双方的配偶. 每种情况都是独特的,将根据个人情况进行处理.
    如果父母离婚或分居, 每个父母都有义务为他或她的儿子的教育出资, 不管是否存在这样做的法律协议. 在这个例子中, both parents must complete a required 金融援助 application either jointly or separately. Financial aid grants will be made only after considering the financial resources of BOTH parents. 在父母分居或离婚的情况下, no information will be given by the school to either parent regarding the other parent's financial disclosures. 的 assets of both parents will be considered before making any award; the assertion that one parent has disclaimed responsibility for educational expenses does not apply.
    在父母一方与孩子没有联系的情况下, 监护父母应提交第三方证明(来自神职人员), 学校行政, 等.)关于另一方父母的缺席.
  • 上诉程序

    To appeal the 金融援助 Committee’s decision (to request either an increase in the original award granted or a reconsideration in the event of a zero award), 应符合下列条件之一:
    1. 2024 income has declined by at least 10% compared to 2023 income; or
    2. 的 family recently suffered a hardship that had negative consequences for the family’s finances. )需要详细的解释.)
    新生须知, a letter must be sent to the 财政援助署署长 by February 1 in order to be reconsidered for any additional aid. 必须完成注册, and an Enrollment Contract and deposit must be received before a letter of appeal will be considered. 如果额外的资助不令人满意,你将收到押金的退还. 返乡家庭, a letter must be sent to the 财政援助署署长 by April 28 in order to be considered for any additional aid. An Enrollment Contract and deposit must be received before a letter of appeal will be considered. 如果额外的资助不令人满意,你将收到押金的退还.
    所有的上诉 (适用于新生及返校家庭) 是否会根据具体情况进行审查. 提出上诉的家庭将自动被列入候补名单.

    Families are welcome to check on the status of their appeal at any time but notification will only take place in the event of an increase or new allocation. 
  • 校外奖学金来源

    有关非sjp组织和基金会的奖学金信息,请参阅 点击这里.





如果您对在线TADS应用程序的某个方面有问题, 请拨打1-800-477-8237, 星期一至星期五, 8 a.m. 到8点.m. CST或电子邮件 support@tuitionaid.com.